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Club Foot

Club foot is a deformity of the foot and ankle that babies can be born with. The position and function of the foot can be greatly improved, if treated early.

What is Clubfoot

Club foot (congenital talipes equinovarus-C.T.E.V.) is one of the commonest congenital orthopedic problem and leading cause of disability in India and in all developing countries in the world. The incidence is 1-2 in 1000 childbirths. In India Out of those children who have born with this deformity only 20- 25% of children from urban areas, get proper care and treatment and get cured of the disease. Rest of the children either remains untreated (neglected); or even if some of them are treated, they get recurrences and remain disabled for the life. The incidence of getting disability due to neglected clubfoot is almost one third the incidence of HIV, or Tuberculosis per 1000 Indian population. In spite of having such a high incidence not much is spoken about it, as most of these children remain untreated and hidden in villages and tribal areas. In fact many of developing nations across the world now include clubfoot treatment as a part of their national health programs.