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Calcaneovalgus Foot Deformity

The Calcaneovalgus Foot in which the foot of the child appears to be pushed up against the front part of the leg. To better explain the meaning of Calcaneovalgus, the word "Calcaneo" signifies upward positioning of the foot and "Valgus" signifies outward positioning of the foot. Hence, in this condition the foot is positioned upward and outward. This deformity is normally caused while the baby is still unborn and one of the reasons for this deformity is crowding around the foot.

  1. The postural deformity of infancy presents as a sometimes dramatic hyperdorsiflexion of the foot that appears to be plastered up against the anterior surface of the tibia.
  2. This deformity results from abnormal in utero positioning of the foot, described as a packaging defect.
  3. Not only the foot is hyperdorsiflexed but the heel is often in marked valgus, with the forefoot appearing abducted.
  4. The prognosis for calcaneovalgus foot is excellent. Only in the most severe cases, with marked restriction of planter flexion & supination/ inversion, is anything more than gentle stretching exercises by the parents necessary.
  5. Generally the foot position normalizes with 3 to 6 month or 1 year span.
  6. In the more sever presentations; there may be a role for corrective casting and/or splinting in association with stretching exercies.