Dr. Viraj Shingade has been invited as a speaker in the World Congress organized by British Society for Children Orthopaedic Surgery(BSCOS) in Leeds, United Kingdom on March 7 & 8. The congress discussed the orthopaedics problems in children. Around 678 senior surgeons accross the world participated in the conference. Dr. Shingade spoke on his technique for recurrent club foot deformity with long term follow up of the cases. He presented 17-18 years follow ups of his own technique. Dr. Viraj Shingade is the first Indian to get this honour of presenting his own technique. Club foot is one of the commonest orthopaedic anomalies in paediatric age group. The incidence is one in 500 newborn babies. Even after treatment the deformity recurs and it is difficult to treat. Dr. Shingade has done a lot of research and developed the technique for treating these difficult cases.